Jerome Helie
7 square des Villebenettes
78160 Marly le Roi
Date of birth : December 13, 1970
Nationality : french
Two children

Graduate student in fluid mechanic and combustion

  • Educational background

    1997 -  
    Ph. D. Thesis in fluid mechanic. 
    Institut Francais du Petrole (french institute of Petroleum), INP Toulouse
    Master in propulsion science. 
    Ecole Nationale Superieure de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace (Aeronautical and space engineering school, SUPAERO)
    Before-thesis studies : Modeling in mechanics. 
    Pierre et Marie Curie University (PARIS VI)
    MS in Mecanic and Technology (energetics) 
    Pierre et Marie Curie University of Paris PARIS VI, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
    Post-secondary studies in Mathematics. 
    Pierre et Marie Curie University PARIS VI

  • Work Experience

    1997 still  
    Institut Francais du Petrole , INP Toulouse 
    Thesis: Modeling and Direct Numerical simulation of turbulent combustion. 
    DNS Database. Model implemented and tested in KIVA code. Study of vaporisation and turbulent mixing. 
    References: Arnaud TROUVE (IFP, Georges Washington University) - Thierry Baritaud (IFP) - Thierry Poinsot (IMFT/CERFACS)
    1996-1997 CERT-ONERA 
    Supaero project: Auto-ignition of monodispersed jet. 
    Experimental and numeric approachs. 
    Manager: Dr. Gerard Lavergne
    1996-1997 Laboratoire de Modelisation en Mecanique Paris 6 
    Research : Spectral closure of fluctuations correlations of a passive scalar in a turbulent homogeneous rotating flow. 
    Choice of methodological tools for anistropy, analytical approach. 
    Manager: Pr. Michele Larcheveque
    1996-1997 ONERA 
    Wall effets on turbulence in transonics flow. 
    Choice and test of wall law. 
    Test of k-epsilon model in RANS unstationnary soft 

  • Others activities

    Scientific and professional societies:
    member of the GFC, the french section of the Combustion Institute
    1999-2000 Pedagogic activities, teaching:
    Short courses (exercises) at IFP school (ENSPM) in combustion and turbulence.
    Courses in Heat transfer at EIVP (Paris town engineering school) : courses, exercises and exams.
    1998-1999 Courses:
    Combustion, ecole de printemps CNRS 1998
    Numerical fluid mechanics, ecole de printemps CNRS 1999
    1995-1996 Military time: Social service helping unemployed people
    1993-1996 Student representative at the scientific council of Paris VI university.
    1993-1996 Director of an association:
    budget, communication, supervision of an office worker.
    3 international projects carried out.

  • Language

  • Computer literacy

  • Personal interests

    Home tel.: (00-33) 1-39-16-21-09
    Office tel.: (00-33) 1-47-52-73-29
    Email :

    Office adress :
    Section RL20 - Bureau L302
    Institut Français du Pétrole
    1 et 4 avenue de Bois Préau
    92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - FRANCE

    Last modification : july 1999